Chrome Cobalt-Based Alloys for Fixed Restorations

Casting Bonding Alloys

Eisen Alloys Keragen (1)

These non-precious metal alloys are made in Germany from the highest quality of materials and manufacturing processes. When considering the best alloy for the case at-hand, pay special attention to the hardness of the material, the indications, and how important polishing is to the case.

KERA®GEN Great for Most Cases!

Type 4

Softest of the CoCr-based alloys

Easy to polish because of the low level of hardness

Longer cooling time because of low HV

Indicated for: Ceramic-veneered crowns and bridges, Implant-retained restorations, and full metal crowns

8 x 15mm Pellets



KERA®C For Universal Requirements!

Type 5

Slightly harder than KERA-GEN

Indicated for: Combinated restorations, Attachments, Ceramic-veneered crowns and bridges, Implant-retained restorations, and full metal crowns

8 x 15mm Pellets



Main Metall®For High Aesthetic Cases!

Type 5

Most popular of the alloys because of its hardness and strength

Indicated for: Wide-span ceramic-veneered restorations, Implant-retained restorations, and Combinated restorations

8 x 15mm Pellets



Our alloys are compatible with most porcelains on the market!

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